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We have two children and a cat. I spent over 8 years as a janitor.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

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Our Featured Golf Article

This is the secret you've been searching for. The
Golf Swing
Secret...get it today!

Make You Golf Swing Like A Pro - Perfect Golf Swing

By Arturas Gotceitas

Do you want to have perfect golf like professional golf players has? This kind of swing i will call " perfect golf swing " .
All golf players want to have perfect golf swing . But golf is a difficult game to master . It takes the time to practice to improve your golfing skill . I will give you some tips to make perfect golf swing.

When you are playing golf totally concentrate on your game . Let other thoughts go trough your head . Concentrate at your target .
Make sure you are relaxed before you swing . You can do that by contracting all your muscles for a second an then relaxing them .

If you want to make perfect swing you must use the muscles in your legs and trunk then you swing . This gives more power to your swing . But most important thing for perfect golf swing is the angel not the strength that is applied to it.

If you are looking for an aid to improve your golf swing they are not hard to find . Ask an expert advice about choosing golf swing aids to improve your golf swing and make it perfect.
When you got your aid just stick to it and start practicing . I do not recommendate to choose multiple golf swing aids . Investing in your golf swing guides will definitely help you to improve your golfing skills .But if you want to have perfect golf swing you need to practice a lot . No aids will help you to improve your swing without practicing .

Golfing aids will help you to improve your golfing skills but you still need to practice.

Improving your golfing skills is not an easy job . Visit [http://simplegolfs.blogspot.com/ ]My Blog to get amazing golfing aids

Additional Info On Golf Today

Come to the Golf Course with Strategy in the Bag
Every good golfer knows that golf is not all about mechanics. There is a strategy to playing the game, and the golfer who develops the best strategy has a much better chance of coming out on top. There are ways to prepare yourself before you get to the course�and ways to react to conditions within a round�that will save you trouble and give you an advantage most golfers fail to seize.
...by T.J. Tomasi, Ph.D.
Hitting behind the ball or too high on the ball.
This is often caused by swaying during the swing. Any side-to-side or up and down head movement should be avoided. To get the right feel, hit some practice shots with feet together. During your weight shift, concentrate on keeping the weight On your right foot on the inside of your foot. Check your progress by taking practice swings with sun behind you and watching your shadow. Don't let the clubface get ahead of your hands at impact. To avoid hitting chips and pitches fat: Don't sole the club at address. Use an open, narrow stance. Keep arms connected to chest and rotate body rather than sliding hips laterally and jabbing at the ball with your hands. Focus eyes on front of ball, with weight on front foot and wrists ahead of ball at address and through impact. Be sure to make a complete follow-through.
...Tom's golf tips

Golf Equipment Putters

Blaming your moves, shots and swings for your golf mishits and mishaps? Well, no matter how much time and effort you have been spending over practicing your moves to perfect your game, you still won't achieve your goal if you use unsuitable or defective types of golf equipment, will you?
Buy yourself some new TaylorMade golf headcovers and protect your clubs today!

Golf is played in many different types of weather. The type of weather affects how far the ball travels and its amount of spin. Knowing how the weather conditions affect your ball, therefore, is necessary to making correct club selections.
...golf news

Taylor Made Burner Fairway Woods

Private lessons and golf schools are the two typical ways to receive golf instruction. Both have strengths. Private lessons allow for follow-up visits over a period of time - a building block approach to learning golf. Schools offer an intensive amount of learning in a short time, but can also offer too much information and without follow-up. But private lessons can take months to complete.
Get greater distance on your drives with great Wilson golf balls from our online store.

More Golf News

Iron Fitting: Dave Patton

Tue, 10 Jan 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Titleist believes that each and every player should be well-fit for the clubs they play. This is the story of how Dave Patton, a competitive golfer with a near-scratch handicap, was fit for new irons by Jerry Smith, a head pro in Pennsylvania.

Arron Oberholser: Present and Futura Champion

Fri, 17 Feb 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Two champions, two weeks in-a-row rely on Scotty Cameron putters to lead the field in putts per round en route to their first career PGA TOUR wins.

Glover Fit for First Victory

Mon, 24 Oct 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Lucas fires birdies on last two holes to claim first PGA tour title.

Just the Fax Scotty Cameron Sweepstakes

Tue, 20 Sep 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Sign-up for the new "Just the Fax" Sweepstakes at ScottyCameron.com

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Golf training Aids Updates

Golf Article Of The Month

If you want a great golf swing then get this Simple Golf Swing eBook

How To Play Bunkers And Sand Traps

By Lee MacRae

Getting a good golf shot out of bunker or a sand trap can go along way to salvaging a golf hole. Here are a few tips that you can use to make your golf game better.

A good way to gauge distance on a sand shot is to think of hitting the ball twice as far. Let's say you have a sand shot of 25 feet. Hit it with the same power that you would use for a fairway shot of 50 feet. A word of warning; this system works well on medium to long sand shots. On the short touch shots you're better off practicing to get a feel for finesse. After all, you may well have a 6 foot long sand shot, but how many 12 foot long fairway shots do you ever have?

The sand actually allows for a margin of error. Just make sure you accelerate your golf club through the sand and good results will follow. If your impact is close to your ball, it will go longer in the air but will retain a lot of spin. Impact a little farther behind your ball and you make it travel less in the air but it now has the tendency for more run on landing. Just remember to focus on the sand, not on the itself ball, and let your club [and the sand] do the work.

Because every golfer wants to get up and down from greenside sand, there is always a great pressure to hit the ball close from a bunker. The fact is, however, that a top pro who gets up and down half the time is doing very well indeed. For this reason you should not concentrate on hitting sand shots to tap-in range [that is, to within three feet] as you would do for a long putt. Focus instead on hitting to within a target that's 12 to 15 feet in diameter. That gives you up to 7 1/2 feet to play with on each side of the hole can be much easier bull's-eye to deal with. You'll be more relaxed and will hit the ball even closer.

Knowing the basic techniques of bunker sand play will alleviate fears. Remaining calm and keeping some simple techniques in mind will turn your sand play in to childs play. Now head off to play golf.

Find a training aid to learn the correct golf grip today!

Thoughts On Golf

Keeping the clubface angle square to the target after impact breaks down the left wrist, restricting the left arm rotation. These faults set up a chain reaction creating other faults. The lack of arm rotation affects both clubface direction and angle,resulting in both loss of accuracy and distance. Finally, your swing is going at such a high speed that it's a physical impossibilty for you to even attempt to make any adjustments so commit yourself to doing the right things properly in your setup and takeaway because after that things are out of your control.
...LPGA tips

Golf Sounds Like a Great Idea
Too many would be golfers, particularly youngsters - head off to the local municipal course, hire a basic set of clubs and start hitting off the tee with no idea of how to hold the club, never mind striking the ball correctly. Even worse, there are those who limit practice to trying their hand in the local park - this is a dangerous and in many cases forbidden activity. The existence of the shouted warning "fore" on a course to indicate a ball in flight that may be close to other golfers is not simply for effect. A golf ball struck with force is a potentially lethal projectile and should never be used without regard for either safety or surroundings.
...mastering golf UK

Golf Club Staff Bags

There is a greater variety of putters on the market than any other piece of golf equipment. So choosing the right one can be difficult. There's only one foolproof way to do it: Try as many different putters as you can get your hands on. It's all about feel. But there are some things to consider about different putter features that can help narrow the field.
Get greater distance on your drives with great Callaway golf balls.

Discount Golf Equipment

Tip when buying used golf clubs: On metal woods, alloy heads are more susceptible to the effects of play and aging than steel heads. This is because most alloy heads contain the softer aluminum. Also, when buying used, stick to better known brand names. Lesser known names aren't necessarily worse clubs when used, but the craftsmanship that goes into, for example, Titleist, should carry over to used clubs, as well.
Improve your golf swing with a great golf swing trainer!

More Golf News

A Fitting Achievement.

Tue, 27 Sep 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Gamez Captures Valero Texas Open Trusting Titleist from Tee-to-Green.

Rob Mottram - How to Sequence Exercises for Better Results

Mon, 03 Apr 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Here are a couple helpful hints about your exercise program design

by Rosie Jones

weighted golf training club
